Many people think about making gifts in support of worthy causes in which they are interested but are undecided how best to provide for future care of their donation to insure that it will be applied in such a manner as they direct. Or they may desire to set up a fund with the principal continuing as a perpetual endowment.
This can be accomplished by entrusting your gift to the Lincoln County Foundation, which was organized expressly for the receipt and management of donations to fulfill the wishes and directions of such donors. This plan is favored in making testamentary gifts because it is possible to be assured that even after the donor's death the principle will continue perpetually while the beneficiary(s) enjoys the income as the donor may have directed.
Gifts/bequests to the Foundation may be made in cash, securities, real estate, almost any kind of property, both large and small. A donor may name the Foundation as beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Any gift/bequest may be designated as a memorial. Gifts to become endowments should be $5000.00 or greater.
The Lincoln County Foundation is not designed as a money raising venture. The main objective is to create a method of accepting funds from those who, of their own volition, wish to give and contribute in a material way to the welfare of the people if Lincoln County.
We do not contemplate campaigning for funds. We do, however, want to make the availability of our services known to the community.
We invite and encourage you to discuss any aspect of the Lincoln County Foundation with its officers or with your banker, attorney or financial planner, all of whom will be most willing to give you further details of the objects and purposes of the Foundation.
Suggested gift forms for wills and living trusts are available.
Any Lincoln County attorney can assist you in the preparation of any legal documents necessary for a gift to the Foundation or in the preparation of a will with the Foundation as a beneficiary.
Copyright © 2024 Lincoln County Foundation - All Rights Reserved.
Contact Info: Email: Mail: PO Box 622, Newport, OR 97365